8 April 2012

hårda bud

Jag läser feministiska texter om arbete. Dalla Costa och James polemiserar mot feminister i sin samtid (sjuttiotalet) men är också kritiska mot marxister som undviker att tala om hushållsarbete:

Now it is clear that not one of us believes that emancipation, liberation, can be achieved through work. Work is still work, whether inside or outside the home. The independence of the Wage earner means only being a “free individual” for capital, no less for women than for men. Those who advocate that the liberation of the-working class woman lies in her getting a job outside the home are part of the problem, not the solution. Slavery to an assembly line is not a liberation from slavery to a kitchen sink. To deny this is also to deny the slavery of the assembly line itself, proving again that if you don’t know how women are exploited, you can never really know how men are.
So when we say that women must overthrow the relation of domestic-work-time to non-domestic-time and must begin to move out of the
home, we mean their point of departure must be precisely this willingness to destroy the role of housewife, in order to begin to come together with other women, not only as neighbors and friends but as workmates and anti-workmates; thus breaking the tradition of privatized female, with all its rivalry, and reconstructing a real solidarity among women: not solidarity for defense but solidarity for attack, for the organization of the struggle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Slavery to an assembly line is not a liberation from slavery to a kitchen sink"

Kvinnor har flytt och flyr löpande bandets slaveri till hemmet där de blir försörjda. Det är ingenting påtvingat utan någonting kvinnor alltid föredragit.