There is simply no going wrong in a movie that stars Al Pacino, Kevin Spacey, Ed Harris, Jack Lemmon and Alan Arkin - and Alec Baldwin, who hasn't really impressed me before, but makes quite an outstanding job in this one. In my book, Glengarry Glen Ross contains every element of a funny movie: grumpy old men, profane language and cynical business talk. According to IMDB, the word 'fuck' is uttered 138 times. The merit of the film is really its witty, fast-paced dialogue. Theatrical - yeah - it's based on a play (by David Mamet), but that was not really a problem (dialogue-heavy, limited sets & time span). Another merit: murky mise-en-scene that matches up to the seediness of the story. And yet another merit: good acting, intense, lurid. What it's about? Corrupted salesmen. Real estate business. Robbery. Deceit. Being a loser or a winner - being prey or preyd upon. Stuff like that. It's one of the most cynical depictions of business I've ever seen.
I'm sure I will return to this movie a good few times. It's hilarious, in the best sense.
I fucking loved it and so will you.
do you own it? when are we going to watch it?
I do.
And I can re-watch it anytime ('cause it's so good).
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