Amazon.Uk advises me to buy this book.
How to lead by Jo Owen. "Owen dispenses with management-school jargon and education babble and cuts right to the heart of the matter, breaking leadership into four areas: foundation, practice, mastery and the leadership journey. In each area he spotlights a number of features: focusing on people, being positive and being professional. Additional topics in each area address leadership from the entry, middle or top levels." EACH SECOND OF LIVING WITHOUT THIS BOOK IS UNBEARABLE! I can't take it anymore. GIVE ME THIS BOOK TO DEVOR NOW! I really need to learn about those four areas of leadership, I do. I WANT TO LEARN HOW TO LEAD! (Leading is fun! It has to do with people! You need to stay positive! Be a professional!)
(Book-cover: neo-fascism. That's all.)
The question we all want answered, of course, is what have you been buying from amazon lately.
That's a valid question, Patrik. But, as you might or might not know, I have a (darth vaderish) dark past in a very, very strange field of academic studies. But that does not prevent me from making fun of books like this one, but maybe it should.
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