1 September 2008

Zizek on work

In connection with the scene from Psycho in which Norman Bates is seen conscientiously cleaning up the bathroom after the horrible murder that has taken place there, Zizek says something to the effect of: "the primordial form of work ethic is like wiping out a stain". His point seems to be that "work" is a cleaning up of the messy, gorey level of desires, that we work & toil in order to create a bearable, neat reality. Work, in this sense, is a compulsive conviction that "chaos has to be kept at bay". Animal laborens is kept from being swallowed up by her own desires (or would he rather talk about work as production of things, homo faber? - Maybe the point could be given different directions) and, hereby, she upholds a world of perfection and order. A world in which she inhabits a secure place, even though that world contains quite a few glimpses of what it truly is (the compulsiveness of work being one of them, I suppose he would say). This is an interesting idea that actually has more in it than one may think at first glance.

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