18 March 2008

A sinner's tale

Yesterday, at noon, I heard a knock on my door. I dragged myself up. It took a while for me to get there, on crutches, that is. Two elderly ladies were standing at the door. "Gosh, what happened to you?", they exclaimed, eying my bandaged, purple foot. "We've come to invite you to a party, a celebration of the death of Christ", the other lady said. "But we realize you can't make it, but we'll give you this, anyway", she said, and handed over a brouchure, from which the bloody head of Christ was gazing up at me. The face on the brochure, somehow, reminded me of Captain Haddock. The ladies were Jehovah's witnesses. As I retired to my room, I though about how they must think of me as a great sinner.

The brochure is clearly inspired by trailers for Hollywood movies ("Passion of the Christ"). "NOBODY has shown GREATER LOVE", "WHO showed this love, and HOW?", "You're welcome to find out, the answers to these URGENT QUESTIONS will be SETTLED." "How does the death of Jesus affect YOU? Why do we call his death the greatest proof of love? Are you among JESUS' FRIENDS?"

"YOU are ALSO invited to join us at our special Bible lecture: 'WHO is competent to be in charge of HUMANITY?'"

(Jehovah's witnesses also have a homepage! Yeah it's... http://www.watchtower.org/)

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