24 December 2007

Morals according to my uncle B

My uncle B is a man who has a very outspoken conception about right and wrong, the good and the wicked. Here are two examples, quoted from tonight's sojourn:

(1) [The discussion for the moment concerned village J and its inhabitants. B stated that there are only 10 people who live there at a regular basis. His wife ventured to dispute this fact, upon which followed an attempt to enumerate all inabitants living in J:]
"There's the A:s, that's two people, the B:s are four, and the C:s are two..."
"Yes and don't forget the D:s!"
"And of course there's Judas Iskariot."
"He's that son-of-a-bitch who called the police when F was driving while drunk."
"That's a bad thing?"

(My uncle wistfully, only half-jokingly, whispered to my father, when they had been talking about the two or three village drunks who "escape from the world" into a state of drunken frenzy: "why can't we be like them?")

(One interesting thing about my uncle is that he, despite being explicitly anti-religious, expresses his views in a language that is often religious in kind.)

(2) A popular Swedish singer, Tore Skogman, recently passed away . Skogman was not, however, an artist appreciated by my uncle, who initiated one more tirade:
"His lyrics are witty, yes, but his singing is terrible. He has covered many songs that I like, that I listened to in my youth. Why can't he leave those songs alone? Singing those songs badly should be a case of death penalty."

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